The Witch and the Hundred Knights confirmed for Europe

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مؤلف: Roger Morrison
تاريخ الخلق: 5 شهر تسعة 2021
تاريخ التحديث: 18 كانون الثاني 2025
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition - Metallia Trailer
فيديو: The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition - Metallia Trailer

Europe will sure be happy knowing that a PS3-exclusive JRPG, The Witch and the Hundred Knights is going to hit the shelves in spring 2014. The developers of Disgaea, Phantom Brave, and many other interesting games, Nippon Ichi Software has confirmed it for japan too. Japan will get to play this crazy RPG by next month on the 25th of July. In The Witch and the Hundred Knights there lives two witches: the beautiful marsh witch and the ugly forest witch. The two witches are at war for total supremacy.

The beautiful marsh witch is the main character of the story; her name is Metallica. She finds the legendary ' hundred='' knights'='' and='' summons='' them='' to='' fight='' for='' her='' in='' hope='' that='' she='' can='' win='' the='' war.='' the='' hack-and-slash='' style='' game='' is='' played='' from='' a='' top-down='' perspective='' and='' you='' play='' as='' metallica.='' your='' base='' is='' metallica's='' home='' and='' you='' can='' leave='' to='' explore='' a='' massive='' open-world.='' the='' game='' is='' very='' beautifully='' dark='' and='' has='' a='' lot='' of='' fantastic='' bloody=''>

لقد صرحت شركة Nippon Ichi Software بأنها لن تتخطاها. ومع ذلك ، لا أرى كيف يمكنهم ذلك عندما تكون اللعبة مصنوعة من اليابان. قالوا أيضا ذلك الساحرة والفرسان المائة سيصدر في غرب بحلول عام 2013. أتساءل عما إذا كان مائة فرسان سيكونون مثل برينز الذي ينفجر في هذه اللعبة أيضًا.